welcome to our website,

your go-to platform for transparent and accessible information

information is power, and at File rti gov., we empower you with the tools to exercise your right to it. Take a step towards transparency and accountability today!


RTI stands for "Right to Information." It is a legal right that allows citizens to access information held by public authorities. The primary goal of RTI is to promote transparency and accountability in government organizations. Individuals can file RTI requests to obtain information on government actions, decisions, policies, and other relevant matters. This right is essential for fostering a more open and democratic society by empowering citizens with access to information about the functioning of public institutions.


Exclusively Tailored Services to Meet Your Information Needs Here, we highlight the range of services provided by File rti gov.These services include:

RTI Applications

With our user-friendly interface, you can effortlessly file RTI applications to request information from various government departments. We guide you through the process, making it quick, efficient, and hassle-free.

First Appeals

In case your initial RTI application goes unanswered or incomplete, our platform empowers you to file first appeals, ensuring that your queries receive the attention they deserve.

Second Appeals

For instances where first appeals fail to provide desired outcomes, File rti gov. enables individuals to take the necessary steps by filing second appeals. We ensure that your information needs are prioritized and addressed appropriately

FIR Status Checks

Stay updated on the status of your FIRs seamlessly through our online system. We keep you informed throughout the process, enabling you to track the progress of your applications.

Property Details

Need access to authentic property details? Our platform allows you to perform property inquiries conveniently, retrieving essential information that can aid your decision-making process.

Complaint Resolution

Leverage the power of File rti gov.'s complaint resolution services to seek assistance and prompt resolutions for grievances you may encounter with Education-related matters or the Central and State Governments.

How it works

Allow us to guide you through the simple steps of using the File rti gov. platform:

online guide


Create an Account : Sign up on our platform to access the benefits of our services. It's quick, easy, and ensures a personalized experience.


Select Service : Choose from a range of services - RTI applications, first appeals, second appeals, FIR status checks, property details inquiries, or complaint resolution.


Fill in the Details : Provide the necessary information specific to your request or inquiry.

Step 4

Submit and Track : Submit your application, appeal, or inquiry, and keep track of the progress on our platform.

Step 5

Receive Information : Once the information is available or the case is resolved, we notify you promptly via our user-friendly system.


Our satisfied customers appreciate the ease and efficiency our platform offers

File rti gov. has undoubtedly simplified the RTI filing process for me. I was able to obtain the information I needed without any hassle. Highly recommended!"

- John Doe, Educator

The FIR status check feature of File rti gov. helped me stay updated on my case. Being able to track progress online reduced my anxiety and provided peace of mind.

- Jane Smith, Social Activist

I appreciate the prompt resolution of my complaint through File rti gov. Their dedication to assisting citizens is commendable. Thank you!

- Robert Johnson, Concerned Citizen